Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Westboro Baptist Church?

My question is, what is their motive? On their website they said they they would never pray for a damned soul (aka "fag") but at the same time if a gay person came into their church, they would basically accept them with open arms and teach them "the right ways". They also said that Jesus didn't die for everyone, but rather just for his "sheep". So I'm confused. From what I knew about Christianity, Jesus died for EVERYONE, and that you were supposed to pray for the people that didn't know God. WBC basically says that if you're gay, whoops, too bad, no hope for you. (Unless you want to transfer to their cult....then that's A-OK) I mean, seriously. What are they trying to accomplish? They say that America is falling a$$ backwards, but to me it seems that they're contributing to it. And picketing at innocent people's funerals is messed up. I'm pretty sure this isn't how God would want us to live....

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